Brillstein Security Group

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IT and Computer Security

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After about 35 years’ experience and with about 500 partner and daughter companies in about 50 countries all over the world, we can offer you the full range of IT security services. The Brillstein experts and investigators have a long-standing, in-depth experience investigating computer crime, developing IT, information and data security concepts. IT security is NOT purely all about technical issues but include security and intelligence matters, paper, electronic media, telephone conversations and intellectual property. IT security involves people, business processes, company culture, physical security issues, and legal and regulatory concerns. Firewalls or anti-virus software alone will not suffice to protect your company. Executives and the complete staff need to know about IT, information and data security in order to prevent IT emergencies, data theft and data loss.

Brillstein Security offers you a full IT risk assessment and assists the company to put a safety plan into action; we provide you with a competent training which includes

  • training as how to address various aspects of IT security
  • lectures aimed at a variety of audiences, from skilled IT personnel to senior management on a variety of subject areas, including:
  • e-commerce security
  • how to secure a small networked system
  • how to use forensic software
  • how to trace emails
  • basics of corporate intelligence, data back-up and storage and other important issues
  • the course can be fully customized





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